This is just such a diverse place, with promise of so much different wildlife and geological makeup, I had to visit! Pronghorn Antelope and Thule Elk have been reintroduced, and the San Jaquin Kit Fox, Burrowing Owl, Badger, several sub-species of western rattlesnake and a whole array of wildlife endemic to the region make the NM home. It is also supposed to be home to the largest winter population of Sandhill Crane on the west coast of the US. I know I am leaving species out, it is just so diverse... I saw a lot of evidence of the burrowing animals, but little else, other than birds of prey, meep meeps, and a couple of the San Jaquin Antelope ground squirrels. :(
Painted Rock is supposed to be the most impressive display of native american art in the U.S. Unfortunately, vandalism has taken its toll. Morons!
I visited Soda Lake and stood on the San Andreas fault. The weather folks were promising a real good soaking within the next 12 hours, so with much woe, I decided I needed to get on my way, even though I had yet to see what I came for, the antelope :(. The infrastructure here is majority dirt roads, and with the plains being surrounded by mountains, the signs all promise that you become stranded where you sit (at best) in case of storm.
It was still early enough in the afternoon, to allow me to make my great escape south to...
San Diego :')
This is just such a diverse place, with promise of so much different wildlife and geological makeup, I had to visit! Pronghorn Antelope and Thule Elk have been reintroduced, and the San Jaquin Kit Fox, Burrowing Owl, Badger, several sub-species of western rattlesnake and a whole array of wildlife endemic to the region make the NM home. It is also supposed to be home to the largest winter population of Sandhill Crane on the west coast of the US. I know I am leaving species out, it is just so diverse... I saw a lot of evidence of the burrowing animals, but little else, other than birds of prey, meep meeps, and a couple of the San Jaquin Antelope ground squirrels. :(
Painted Rock is supposed to be the most impressive display of native american art in the U.S. Unfortunately, vandalism has taken its toll. Morons!
I visited Soda Lake and stood on the San Andreas fault. The weather folks were promising a real good soaking within the next 12 hours, so with much woe, I decided I needed to get on my way, even though I had yet to see what I came for, the antelope :(. The infrastructure here is majority dirt roads, and with the plains being surrounded by mountains, the signs all promise that you become stranded where you sit (at best) in case of storm.
It was still early enough in the afternoon, to allow me to make my great escape south to...
San Diego :')
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